A review by:

Mr. Chan Bing Fai

Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist

Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.

Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.

It is also about fighting corporate battles.

The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.

Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.

Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.

Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.

Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!

The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.

It is priced at RM27.90.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


I'm not done dreaming!  Are you?  ... resigned to just sit back and wait for your time...

There are still places to explore; people to meet; mountains to scale; books to write; moments to capture and memories to create.   Live to the fullest even if it means you'll fail, falter and fall.  Probably will but then again you might flourish, fly and finish well.  That sounds like a deal!  After all life is just an endless extremely exhilarating, exciting, energizing roller coaster ride.  Fasten your seat belt and take flight...


Small bites for two small eaters.  Enough to satisfy craving but not too much to fret over calories!  Just eat and enjoy.  Have fabulous days ...


I will always remember my paternal grandfather.  He was the first person who believed I could be whoever I wanted to be!  Grandpa ignited that spark of madness in me to always chase after rainbows and reach for the stars.  That was his greatest gift to me.  Who I am today is largely attributed to the confidence and can-do attitude my grandpa instilled in me at a very young age.  He gave me faith, strength and purpose when I had none.
Thank you, grandpa...you are God sent.


Life and love are inseparable!  Without love, life is meaningless.  Life bereft of love is mere existence...like chasing after wind.  Can one grasp wind in the palm of one's hand?  No.

What joy then is there in the pursuit of nothingness.  Choose Love and Life...

Monday, October 16, 2023


Obsession is not love!  Love is patient, kind, gentle and forgiving. Love does not envy; does not boast.  Love is not arrogant or rude.  It is not self centred nor easily provoked or angered. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always perseveres whereas unreasonable mindless obsession is the exact opposite!  Obsession can be termed as an unhealthy desire to possess something or someone at all costs. Possessiveness of a person can only lead to strife, bitterness, resentment, retaliation, rebellion and other serious damages as it often robs the possessed person of the liberty and right to be his/her own person.  Be careful and wary that we don't allow this spirit of obsession to take over the control of our mind, thoughts and actions.  Live and let live.  

Have a great start to a new week.  Stay calm, confident and cool ...


Though the years have taken their toll and brought many disappointments, discouragements, divisions, defeats, diseases and even deaths, yet through all the trials and testing we can choose to remain hopeful, joyful and trusting in God who is our ultimate strength. Puji Tuhan

Friday, September 15, 2023


When you're doing a character check on a person, take note of certain traits that are significant if you plan to form a long term relationship.  Many would say awwww these are so petty. Nonetheless normal behavioral patterns are tell tale sign of a person's character.  

For example, with certain people it is very difficult for them to say even simple cordialities like... "Please"..."Thank you"... "I'm sorry" ...

These are basic manners taught to us from young and yet is seems there are persons who simply cannot bring themselves to say these!  Take for instance it's only natural and befitting for a person to say, "I'm sorry!" when he or she is clearly at fault or have done some misdeeds (big or small). Instead of doing that, he/she starts to play the blame game putting the aggrieved part to shame instead. They usually start being evasive, not owning up to any wrong doings. Make the other person doubtful and even fearful. 

The second these haughty persons cornered, they will switch tactic and become the aggressor, often lashing out in rage.  Their countenance reflecting the sort of flush; with burning eyes and flaring nostrils which kind of resemble the devil throwing a tantrum just to get his way. They shout louder and are merciless with the violence in their voice and stance.  At the end of it you wonder what the 'tut tut has just happened!

Just one observation but this is a huge red flag to be mindful of.  Useful tip for character check...

Thursday, September 7, 2023


Take this time to seek God and reflect on your life.

Do not venture deeper into all those addictions which will eventually suck the life out of you.  You know you are living a lie and only TRUTH can set you free.

Take your power back...in whatever area of your life that you have knowingly or unknowingly surrendered to the Enemy... take it back.  

You are stronger than you think; better than your think.  Do not believe the lie that you have no value.  You were blood purchased 2,000 years ago.

Overcome your fear with faith.   Tough decisions will always be supported by Tough Love. 

Let the better of you take charge of your life; your destiny.  If not now, when!

Sending blessing and all kind thoughts...


Wednesday, August 30, 2023


We cannot expect different results if we continue to do the same thing over and over again!

Surprise yourself; flirt with life; be playful and happy. Act out of character.  Be weird.  It's okay!  Just be YOU.  Realize your full potential and be all that you were created to be!

Cheers!  Happy Merdeka!!  Sending blessings, love and best wishes to all.


There's a unique chemistry - extra ordinary bond between grandparents and their grandkids.

The affection, adoration, attention and applause showered on the lil' ones are inexplicable and have few boundaries!  Don't need to understand or rationalize, just relish the sweet and strong bonding while it lasts...


Set our priorities right; love people and use things. 
Today's trend is love things and use people!  
It's no wonder there's so much of discontent, jealousy, animosity and suspicion among the masses.
Although the world may appear to be spinning off course, let us not lose ourselves
in its chaos and confusion.  Stay grounded.  
This, too, will pass....

Have lovely days regardless

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 Okay, so I cheated... 

😆😆 ...didn't exactly camped out in the wilderness somewhere. However we did pitch a tent on the balcony of our home and when nigh fall came we did gaze up into a starlit sky and bask in the moon light. We heard the sounds and calls of cicadas, frogs and lizards.
At dinner time we went downstairs to eat a five course dinner including soup; planted comfortably at the table with all the home amenities within easy reach. After that we watched TV and had our bath. All done, we went back up to the third floor balcony to the tent. 

If the mosquitoes prove too much of an irritant, think I'll go back downstairs to my room and curl under the sheets. Bliss.
If the others want to remain to feed the mossies, I won't insist they leave camp. Give them the experience!!

So, does that count as having 'camped out!' Just for the fun of it 😉😉🤣🤣
Crazy NaNa !


Nothing like a bowl of piping hot pork noodles soup to chase the blues away. 

Food is not just to fill the tummy but to comfort the soul. Not convinced? Guess where and how they got the title for books like, "Chicken Soup For The Soul!!" 

Food heals....enjoy

Thursday, July 27, 2023


Banana leaf rice with three types of vegetables and rice for only RM10.90 (under US2.50).

Furthermore all items are refillable including the pampadam! We always over eat. Deliciousness overload every time. Super duper value for money.
We're indeed spoiled for choice here in our country.
Jom...jalan jalan in search of cheap makan!


Can't wait to dig in ... roti tissue (tissue bread) drizzled with condensed milk and sprinkled with castor sugar. In my opinion no other group does this better than the Mamaks (Tamil Muslims) ... delicious and hugely satisfying. All time favorite comfort food to tickle the palate and warm the heart at any time of day or night. 

Some of these restaurants are opened 24 hours!  Head to one nearby when the craving starts.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Loosen up.  What's the fuss anyway?!
The only thing that matters is the life that is throbbing inside you.  Lose that and everything ceases.
Whatever and however you're feeling now... sorrow, pain, anger, hate; sweetness, contentment, joy, ecstasy... all that will pass!  
Over time your life will also be snuffed out.  
Meanwhile be fully you; wild, witty, wise, whimsy and weird.  It's okay to be YOU...
Sending blessings, love and all kind thoughts.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Know Your True Worth

Quit blaming yourself!

You are not the problem.  You are not the cause of his problem.  He has to take responsibility and accountability for his own messed up life.  Don't be lured into being a scapegoat.

You're certainly not a doormat to be trampled on and discarded.  You're infinitely more valuable than you could possibly imagine yourself to be.

Know your true worth and to whom you belong.  You were bought with an enormous and impossible price 2000 years ago... 

You have freedom in Christ!