A review by:

Mr. Chan Bing Fai

Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist

Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.

Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.

It is also about fighting corporate battles.

The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.

Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.

Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.

Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.

Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!

The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.

It is priced at RM27.90.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


'This is the day that God has made.  I shall rejoice and be glad in it..."

The earth is His foot stool and heaven, His handiwork.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


You don't really forget, do you? 
The significant firsts in your life; the first time you stepped into a classroom, the first time you rode a bicycle, the first time you got your driving licence, the first time you flew; the first kiss ... the first job... the first boss?
Although these experiences are now buried in the deep recess of your mind, they are still there; locked and sometimes when you look for the key real hard, you will find it.

People come into your life for a reason and a season.
Some of them stay longer, and some others are snatched from you before you are ready to let them go.  Of course when that happens, it leaves you destitute and confused and you look on with wide-eyed blankness  and wondered, "what happened, why me?"

Every relationship deposits something into your life. 
You may not know the what and why at that particular time but sooner or later the 'mystery' will unfold.
Look around and you will find people with various stories to tell.  
They say that adversity qualifies you for a miracle.  Without hardship one will never know comfort.  Without separation, you would never appreciate togetherness.  Without discord, you will never know the importance of harmony. Without chaos, you would never choose to embrace order.

Without pain, you lose the ability to feel and react.
It's only natural that we reject pain, shun it at all cost.
You have a headache?  Take a panadol.  You are pained by anger? Drown it with alcohol. 
You can't sleep? Take a sleeping pill.  You can't get up?  No worries, there are drugs to pep you up. 
And so we manage quite successfully to keep pain at bay.
But is that really the answer to our (root) problems?

In the olden days when medical science wasn't so advance and cures were not discovered, leprosy was a wide spread disease in many parts of the world and lepers were regarded as the outcasts.
They were despised - the untouchables - and banished from society.  Looked upon with disgust and disdain.
Lepers are an ugly sight, I would imagine.  Parts of the leper's body are missing, bits of his nose, fingers, toes etc.  These would just drop off leaving unsightly stubs where once were perfectly formed fingers or toes.  In sleep bits of their bodies would be eaten away by rodents because the leper feels no pain.  Even if he touches fire there is no pain and in that condition the leper cannot save himself.
I believe this is one time that pain would be welcomed and desired.

I cannot begin to understand the sort of trauma that these unfortunate people had to endure just to survive but I did learn an important and invaluable lesson in reading about their plight. 
Pain has its rightful place in our lives.  Pain saves.  It has changed my perspective.
When I look at a situation that angers, irritates, frustrates or grieves me (and all these translate to pain in varying measures), I am now more incline to accept them positively. 
Difficult, domineering, insensitive and unreasonable people (who execute such pain) are thrust into our midst for a reason and a season.  I don't begrudge them anymore but instead look upon them as the apparatus to help make me a better person.  (I know I'll regret saying this just as soon as I've said it.  But it's said!)

This is the era of  'quick fix'  where patience is frowned upon.  We see divorce rates escalating, staff turnovers are high, white collar (blue collar) crimes increasing and scandalous deals rampant because people are constantly in pursuit of excitement, entertainment and amusement; the easy way to deal with pain.
The pain of boredom, the pain of loneliness, the pain of rejection, the pain of poverty ... the pain of a meaningless life.

Conscience is an old fashioned word and seems out of place in modern times but that doesn't make its pricking presence felt any lesser.

In conclusion we are very fortunate to have people who have (and continue to) accompanied us on our journey in life.  They are always with us at birthdays, anniversaries, birth of a child, his baptism, his graduation, weddings and funerals.
Our parents, our spouses, our childhood friends, our pals from the same village/kampung, how much they have enriched our lives and we, theirs.

And there are other friends who share a particular hobby or interest, a colleague, a member from your place of worship, a Face Book acquaintance, someone you meet on a holiday, friend of a friend; undeniably these are very special people who have entered your life (and you in theirs). 
I believe that nothing happens by chance.  In this context your paths crossed for a particular purpose.  The reason may not be obvious immediately and seldom is but it must mean something and sometimes, something significant.
It would be so interesting, enriching, gratifying and even exciting to know the reason for this unique and probably once-in-a -life-time appointment.
And no matter how long the season, it would leave a lasting impression, for these visitations are sacred.

How wonderful to have someone say to me (and you) some day, "You are the reason I can face tomorrow ..."
 That  is reason enough for me. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Even in a room full of people, one can feel alone.  Loneliness is a condition of the mind and heart.  Seen the signs all too often ... the empty look ...glazed eyes ... fidgety hands ... a heavy sigh ... a desperate silent cry ... a broken spirit.  

You've experienced it too at some point in your life.  Not interested in anything.  Nothing seems worthwhile.  Sluggish.  Bored.  You are like a zombie. The heaviness in your heart wears you down.  Your constant irritability is replaced by unreasonable outburst of temper tantrums which you regret. 

You try to take your mind off it but it won't allow you.
The incessant gnawing eats at you bringing doubt and suspicion.  You lose your confidence and self-esteem.
If only you know what really irks you.  But you don't.  So, how do you deal with a problem when you don't even know what the problem is?  uh-oh.

I venture to think that your ego is hurt.  
You feel rejected rather than accepted; antagonism in place of admiration.  Perhaps you have fallen out and lost your place of prominence with some one who mattered? And so you are wounded in the heart. Under these circumstances, I guess you would either recoil or retaliate.  Unfortunately neither reaction provides the perfect solution.  
What could be more damaging than the feeling of being unwanted, unworthy?  Cast aside.
But hey, there is good news!  You needn't feel this way.  You can snap out of it. (Yeah, sure, that's easy for you to say!)  Okay, not in a jiffy but it can be done just as soon as you decide to do it.  That is how soon you can get out of your depressing state of mind.  

My seventy five year old mother was urgently rushed to the hospital  recently (gave us a terrible scare) with severe chest pain and grave difficulty in breathing. She thought she was having a heart attack.  After a thorough examination, numerous tests and a fat bill to show for them, it turned out that her condition was actually due to excessive worry, fear and anxiety. Her heart is as strong as a 45 year old!
The knowing specialist promptly referred her to a shrink!  (mental doctor!)  You see, she needed a different sort of help!  
Mother got the message and as soon as she made up her mind to 'be well', she was instantly cured.

There are so many 'sick', lonely and hurting people around us who need understanding, caring and giving  - of compassion, empathy, kindness and love...a listening ear.
The homeless, the down-trodden, the beaten, the abused, the rejected, and the outcasts.
Won't you reach out and 'touch someone' and spread some Christmas cheer this season?
You can make for "two less lonely people in the world" today.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Some people find it hard to believe that I work. 
They imagine that I am a 'Lady Of Leisure',
a pampered 'Tai-Tai' who is living off a wealthy, doting, attentive husband
 - a provider - who would look after all the money matters!
(If only that's true...chuckle ...)
I'm afraid I haven't perfected the art of controlling the 'purse-strings', his.
(Still a long way to go!)
I'll keep at it, of course, but meanwhile I shall continue to enjoy my work..
In my business, I am privilege (and proud) to meet some of the most intelligent,
impressive, influential, innovative, illustrious and inspiring
(not to mention incredibly beautiful and good looking) personalities in the industry. 
This has got to rank as the Number One reason why I find my work meaningful,
refreshing and invigorating ...
There is never a dull moment.
To all the special people who make my work life exceptional, engaging
and exciting in so many different ways,
I salute you...
You're the best!
(ps. For the time being, I can only post these photos but that is not to
say that I have exhausted the list.  Definitely not!
I shall return with more pictures from the archives for your viewing pleasure.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I get nostalgic just thinking about it ...

Attached pictures of three Christmases ago with family and friends, walking the streets of 'Lan-Kwai-Fong' on Christmas Day ... aahhhhh ... such a wonderful feeling of warmth, welcome and wellness.

And Yes!  I'm spending this Christmas season in Hong Kong, one of my favourite places in the world ... yea...

Mystical, magnetic, magical and magnificent Hong Kong, here I come!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yes, another week has gone by.
The market place is an exciting place, frightening as well. 
Most of us work out of need.  And since this is something that is expected of us, we might as well make the best of it!
Winning is what all corporate games is about.  But to make it sound nicer and more civilise, we prefer to say, 'Lets have a WIN-WIN situation in all work related confrontations!
When it comes to fierce competition for that coveted promotion or to land that big deal, it's each man for himself!
Although the steps up the proverbial ladder of success are made of cardboard and the two poles that you grasp to haul yourself up are greased with oil, doesn't seem to deter the corporate aggressor in you to make a go at reaching the summit.
It's a dog-eat-dog world; a rat race.
And may the best rat wins!
I had a look at my normal work week and at the end of the exercise came up with some interesting findings.
I occupy an 18 feet by 20 feet space at an office which measures in total 44 feet in width by 95 feet in length.
Considering that, I am quite comfortable and am better off than many who are confined in tiny cubicles of 4 feet by 8 feet.
It's a privilege that comes with the position! (broad smile)
In case you have different ideas, I do go there to work and not to enjoy the air-conditioning! (wink)
In a normal work week I would view an approximately 700-800 emails (on 3 different email addresses), 80 percent of them are on the business while the balance are personal and forwarded ones.  I need only reply personally on 30 percent of those that are related to work.  The rest are delegated.  Another privilege accorded to my position!
Weekly, I take in a minimum of ten to twelve meetings/discussions; several phone calls, mostly pleasant ones.
(I make my usual rounds, acknowledging all the other staff and even stopping to ask about the janitor's (an Indonesian woman in her forties) health and how her family is doing back home. Not forgetting also the Indian boy who whistles while cleaning my car.  He happily breaks into song (and does a jig) whenever he sees me. He knows lunch for that day will be a little more lavish because of the extra 'kopi money' he will receive for certain.)
I need my coffee to start the day and consume up to 18 cups (ten of 3-in-1 and the rest Kopi-O) and 8 large mugs of Chinese tea. My weekly ration.
Who says work is a bore?  It needn't be.
Brunches and lunches are usually taken in different restaurants with a wide selection of Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Italian, German, Japanese, Vietnamese etc...
Distance is never a deterrent when it comes to food.  Somedays I would do 50 kilometres just to have the best 'kway teow soup' in town... thanks to the recommendation of food expert Mr. Wong.  With the assistance of the now popular GPS, I can tell the difference between Semenyih and Segambut! (Don't laugh.  I bet you didn't know the difference between the two at one time as well!) heheheh
On a normal work week with no incidents of bad weather, floods or accidents on the highway, I put in an average of 20 hours on the road; with a minimum of 45 stops at the toll booths, 25 stops at the traffic lights and 2 stops at the SHELL or PETRONAS station for fuel.
Sounds familiar? 
A lot of hours are spent on the road but I'm okay with the arrangement for the present. Drive time is a good time for thinking, planning, strategising, scheming,  reflecting but mostly I use this 'quiet time' for dreaming ... big dreams.
My efforts at work may not be immediately visible but I know for sure that the 'seeds' I have sowed are slowly taking roots.  Eventually they will grow.  I believe I am engage in meaningful work and that adds value to my life.
I am grateful for the career that I have built and the lifestyle it supports.
On the other hand, much as I enjoy the daily adrenaline rush generated at work and tackling the various challenges of doing business, I look forward to ... going home in the evenings.
There is something welcoming about the lights at the porch which would be ON and already visible from a distance. 
Our dog would be at the gate, barking with delight and she'll be wagging her tail like crazy ...
Alighting from the car, I'll kick off my 4 inch 'Charles & Keith' stilettos and slip into softly padded slippers placed neatly and discreetly at the same corner by the winding staircase.
There is a familiar smell as I enter the kitchen...and reach for a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice ... raid the cookie jar and help myself to a large piece of crispy rich Scottish short-bread... sink into my favorite chair and wait for the 'gong' to sound announcing that dinner is ready.
Yes, it's nice to be at work but it's nicer still to be home - sweet home - after a highly charged day at the marketplace. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2nd Edition

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings!

I thought you might like to know that we are preparing for the 2nd Edition of As Time Goes By - a book by Lynn Wong.
Yes! the stock to the first lot of Limited Edition is fast running out.
A million thanks to all who supported - whether it was in the purchase of one or one hundred copies!

I am deeply, deeply touched by the many positive feedbacks and responses.
Several people have called me personally to express their heartfelt gratitude for the 'inspiring elements' found in the book.
The best one among all the comments came from a retired nurse.  She has this to say, "You've breathed new life into this old heart...and created a stirring so strong that has caused me to want to do something to help."
This previous 'Florence Nightingale' is prepared to come out of her comfortable retirement to serve once again.

She explained that she found renewed purpose and challenge in her 'old age' through the article on "How Will You Be Remembered?"
She said that perhaps this is a higher calling for her to make a difference and that her life will take on a new meaning through this experience.

Excerpts from the article:
"Rather than take a complacent stand, we should speak up, stand up and support the protection and preservation of our children.  We should not tolerate anymore the injustices done to them." unquote

To the question of, "Will you do something positive to alleviate their sufferings today?"
Her answer was a resounding Yes! Yes! Yes!

I am so glad that ATGB can and do make a difference in people's attitudes and spur them to take action for good changes.
What a privilege it is for me to witness this through my writing. (Giving thanks with a grateful heart).

Back to the 2nd Edition, I'll have more updates in my next post.


- Lynn -

Monday, November 1, 2010

From the Chapter 'Ordinary Things' by Lynn Wong

I ’ve stopped looking for the spectacular and realized there are excitement
and anticipation in mundane and monotonous situation as well. 
Routine is better. I like to get up in the morning and know what needs to be done. 
It would be terribly depressing and unsettling to have no schedules, 
no plans, no to-do lists! 

The beds would not be made, there would be no food in the refrigerator.
Who would send the kids to school and pick up the laundry?
Consistency is preferred over chaos. Familiarity works well.  
Who needs furniture to be moved every day! Controlled freedom is preferred.  
Assigned parameters are good as they draw clear boundaries to ensure we don’t 
step out of line, yardsticks to measure how far we can go. Who likes to live in a 
lawless state? Orderliness is another form of freedom. Consistency works just as 
well with creativity and innovation. Discipline may be a word many would avoid as 
it denotes certain limitations; out of bounds.   

However, who  would want to suggest that discipline be removed entirely from homes, schools  and government?  

Allow for inquisitiveness; reject complacency and false contentment.
Challenge the mind. Doing the ordinary things for extraordinary results.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Reader Writes

28th October 2010

As Time Goes By……

Dear Lynn

It is with such great pleasure that I heard the news of your first book making it to the Top Seller List at MPH! It left me tingling with sheer pride and joy for you.

Congratulations my dear friend.

So wonderful to witness your journey of observations and reflections, capturing the many nuances of life as time goes by, some obvious, some subdued, brought to life in a voice that is sometimes familiar, often encouraging, probing, hinting, enticing, even nudging one to explore and discover for oneself. Delightful!

I get the sense that this is just the beginning of your flirtation with this “novel” idea of yourself as a writer. Your journey may have only just began. I am so excited for you, and wait with anticipation for your journey to unfold.

Your passion for life and living, your dedication to give your best and be your best, your compassion, charm and your wit, will no doubt be the guiding force to your exploration of this part of your journey.

I wish you a most adventurous time, as you explore and hone your skills, scheme and dream, return and thrill us with your next edition, or something with an absolutely new twist. I am sure it will smack of your passion, your unique footprint, and delight us in every way.

Continue to shine your light and live with passion.

All my very best, with love and admiration,

Ms Halimah Kellner
Vermont, USA

Thursday, October 21, 2010

With thanks from Lynn Wong

A friend sent me the below link!
I had to pinch myself ... real hard!
Can it be true?

AS TIME GOES BY - my very first book made it to the
Best Seller List at the MPH bookstores!
That's pretty amazing. Remarkable as it may seem,
my dream has become a reality.

I would like to thank everyone for making this possible.
Indeed I am overwhelmed and at the same time deeply
humbled by this experience.

Praise God!
Just me (still in a state of euphoria...heheheh)

Subject: Bestsellers list for Fiction , Non-Fiction,
Teen Reader and Children at MPHONLINE.COM

Click on below and it will take you directly to the page under
the header of List of Bestsellers ....


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lynn Wong- the author writes

"As Time Goes By.." is written by a lady, for the ladies on issues that concern
ladies but that is not to say that it cannot be a good read for the Male
population as well. However, from the color scheme, cover including over all
design, and contents, the book admittedly aims to attract the Female Readership.

It is Daring To Be Different!
Break The Convention.
Think Out Of The Box.. Challenge The Norm.
Hey, look at the design of ATGB for example. Who would want to put her own photo
on the cover unless she is Angelina Jolie, or Cameron Diaz or Catherine Zeta Jones?
Names that sell! Ouch! Double Ouch!!

Still I did.
There are some raised eyebrows no doubt and...ahem...plenty of applause,
maybe for different reasons! Perhaps, you could look at it and tell me!
I would like to be distinct. The book has only been in the market for about
3 weeks and I think people are curious, bordering on liking her distinctiveness.
(Anyway, that's that I've been told.) By the way, ladies are the ones seeking the 
book. Maybe it's a sign that we are'maturing', gradually and eventually breaking
the shackles of average-ness or mediocrity that stifles our growth progress.

Ladies need to know that they too have voices that deserve to be heard.
It takes courage, patience and perseverance if you want to make positive changes.
And you can be the change you want to see happen in and around you.

When someone says to you it can't be done, look him in the eye and firmly reply,
"Watch me." If another, even if she is a well-meaning friend, says to you "Why go
through all the hassle?" Stop her in her tracks, cup both her cheeks, look intently
at her and whisper, "Why not. It's worth it"

At this juncture, we shift our focus to the men who are forever scratching their
heads and throwing up their hands in exasperation on pounding tables in 
frustration; wondering why they are once again the receiving end of a cold war,
open floodgates of tears, stormy emotional weather? Uh-duh!
Talking about the relationships with the women in their lives!

What did the poor fellow do? What did he say (or didn't say)?
Gosh you know, he hasn't a clue.
ATGB reveals a woman's heart. It doesn't provide ALL the answers,
of course but you, Prince Charming (who is forever thinking that you are
God's gift to women but unfortunately treated like a second hand treadmill)
will find answers to some of your relationship challenges with women!

It's a book for everybody, really.
Yes, even for the macho man with his wash-board abs and the man who would
like to be seen as being in touch with his feminine side.

Enjoy the read and have a good laugh on the house!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Shopping at MPH Bookstore, One Utama, PJ

Dear Ms. Lynn,

Just thought I'd write and let you know.
We were thrilled to finally see your book "As Time Goes By..." at MPH
yesterday Wednesday (13th October)

My niece, Sarah, who is 9 years old but already an avid reader, was
the first one who spotted the book!  As you can see she was soooooo
excited that when I took her photograph holding the book, her hands
Still there was no denying the joy and excitement written on her face
as she smile broadly for the camera.

Congratulations again!  We are so proud and happy for you.
You do Malaysia proud!

Best regards,

Marina Chesterfield
A fan

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Word of Commendation on "As Time Goes By.."

Dear Lynn,

Reading your recently published book entitled "As Time Goes By"
is a most wonderful, enjoyable, exhilarating and unforgettable experience.

You are indeed a very talented writer.
You express your thoughts and feelings very well.
The choice of words is so appropriate and superb.

I can relate to many situations narrated in the book
whether as a child or someone in the workplace.
The experiences so beautifully described in your book
are relevant and meaningful to all who have an
opportunity to read your masterpiece.

I salute you on your fine achievement.
May you continue to write more books in the future.

Your friend,

Ms. Tan Lee Kiang
(ex-Principal Assunta Secondary Girl School Petaling Jaya)

"As Time Goes By.." - a book by Lynn Wong
It's a gift a son can present to his father or a teacher to a student.
A good read anywhere, anytime!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Dedication to Ms Lynn Wong on the launch of
" As Time Goes By "...

Mr. Christopher Saklatvala
Writer, Painter & Poet

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Inside Story of the Launch...

Saturday, 25th September 2010
by Lynn Wong

It was past 11.00pm when we arrived home from the Raintree Club after the
launch. Everyone of the crew who helped in some way to put the event together
was exhausted.

The excitement of the day had begun to wear off taken over by a weariness that had
slowly crept over me. The legs were showing signs of strain from the 4 inch stilettos,
newly acquired heels from Charles & Keith on the suggestion received 'to put your
best foot forward as attention will be on it!" The now visible blisters at both the
heels and small toes are reminders that humans are vain creatures.
But I don't mind the discomfort...it was worth the effort!

The hat is new and it costs a bundle but again dollars well-spent. 
It complements the new green dress.
Vanity, thy name is woman. But I was happy...deliriously happy until ....

The weather was a disaster.
When we left for the Club at 11.30am, we felt that we were much too early but
anyway reasoned that we can always have our lunch there.
Dark clouds had already gathered and were looming menacingly over us.
Signs of a thunderstorm and in recent times these were devastating in many ways
to say the least. One was about to unleash its fury.

The road repair works at some parts of the highway were no help.
Traffic was a nightmare and people were holed out in their cars for more
than an hour, some even two.
They were as hot as the engines that were running but not moving ...
I was beginning to fret.

We arrived at the Clubhouse only moments before it started to pour.
This was not good and even the Club manager looked concerned.
He too had just struggled for more than 2 hours inching on the highway to
get to his office.

What dreadful weather. My heart sank further as the clock ticked faster.
3.00p.m. and there was still no crowd. The Club house looked deserted...forlorn.
Even my MC was skeptical if she could make it in time. She too was running late.
I stopped breathing.

The hat helped. It hid my anxieties.
Who was it who wrote that, "Life is difficult. It is full of bad breaks,
heartaches, hard knocks and impossible situations.
You will fall and hurt yourself many times. When that happens,
just pick yourself up, dust off, brace yourself, put on your brightest smile,
fake it if you must until your make it and go back into the ring, fighting..."
Hey, I wrote that! What better time to practice what I preach!

And then my MC called at precisely 3.17 pm to announce that she was nearby.
I started to breathe again.

Yes, we had some anxious moment and the weather played havoc with our emotions.
I could have chosen to fly into a rage or break into tears; feign ill, faint,
fret and fume but I'm glad I chose instead to keep the faith.
Maintain a positive attitude. Think happy thoughts. Laugh at myself and
give thanks...but all the while keeping my eyes on the entrance door!
And indeed there were so many, many, many reasons to be grateful.

We were isolated at the private function room and so had no idea what
was happening outside. But I would imagine that in time the skies cleared,
the traffic jam eased, the roads cleared and traffic started moving again.
And perhaps some people who had already started to turn away and decided
to give the launch a miss had second thoughts.
They probably U-turned and although, grumbling and cursing at the weather
and traffic (not at me, of course) got back in line for the slow crawl to the Club.

As the launch went underway, guests began and continued to file in and
in no time most of the seats were taken.
The program went without a glitch and my MC was fabulous.....superb.
She had the audience spellbound eating out of the palm of her hand.
Everyone relaxed, sat back in their chairs, stretched their legs, some even
kicked off their shoes and had a really enjoyable time.....

I sat in the garden of memories,  awashed with emotions ... huge bouquets artfully
arranged with an assortment of beautiful, exotic, imported and expensive flowers.
Hundreds of blooms combined emitting a tantalizing, playful, breezy, seductive and 
suggestive mixture of natural perfume, cleansing the tension of this most
"unforgettable" afternoon.

I am blessed .....

(to be continued...)


Let the pictures tell the story....

Sequence of Events:

*    Showing the entrance to the Raintree Club
*    Signing the Guest Book
*    Guests mingling
*    Introductions
*    Quiz/ang-pow time
*    Book Reading by the audience
*    Book Signing
*    Photography session.
*    Job well done -- time to rest the feet ....hehehehe