by Lynn Wong
It was past 11.00pm when we arrived home from the Raintree Club after the
launch. Everyone of the crew who helped in some way to put the event together
was exhausted.
The excitement of the day had begun to wear off taken over by a weariness that had
slowly crept over me. The legs were showing signs of strain from the 4 inch stilettos,
newly acquired heels from Charles & Keith on the suggestion received 'to put your
best foot forward as attention will be on it!" The now visible blisters at both the
heels and small toes are reminders that humans are vain creatures.
But I don't mind the was worth the effort!
The hat is new and it costs a bundle but again dollars well-spent.
It complements the new green dress.
Vanity, thy name is woman. But I was happy...deliriously happy until ....
The weather was a disaster.
When we left for the Club at 11.30am, we felt that we were much too early but
anyway reasoned that we can always have our lunch there.
Dark clouds had already gathered and were looming menacingly over us.
Signs of a thunderstorm and in recent times these were devastating in many ways
to say the least. One was about to unleash its fury.
The road repair works at some parts of the highway were no help.
Traffic was a nightmare and people were holed out in their cars for more
than an hour, some even two.
They were as hot as the engines that were running but not moving ...
I was beginning to fret.
We arrived at the Clubhouse only moments before it started to pour.
This was not good and even the Club manager looked concerned.
He too had just struggled for more than 2 hours inching on the highway to
get to his office.
What dreadful weather. My heart sank further as the clock ticked faster.
3.00p.m. and there was still no crowd. The Club house looked deserted...forlorn.
Even my MC was skeptical if she could make it in time. She too was running late.
I stopped breathing.
The hat helped. It hid my anxieties.
Who was it who wrote that, "Life is difficult. It is full of bad breaks,
heartaches, hard knocks and impossible situations.
You will fall and hurt yourself many times. When that happens,
just pick yourself up, dust off, brace yourself, put on your brightest smile,
fake it if you must until your make it and go back into the ring, fighting..."
Hey, I wrote that! What better time to practice what I preach!
And then my MC called at precisely 3.17 pm to announce that she was nearby.
I started to breathe again.
Yes, we had some anxious moment and the weather played havoc with our emotions.
I could have chosen to fly into a rage or break into tears; feign ill, faint,
fret and fume but I'm glad I chose instead to keep the faith.
Maintain a positive attitude. Think happy thoughts. Laugh at myself and
give thanks...but all the while keeping my eyes on the entrance door!
And indeed there were so many, many, many reasons to be grateful.
We were isolated at the private function room and so had no idea what
was happening outside. But I would imagine that in time the skies cleared,
the traffic jam eased, the roads cleared and traffic started moving again.
And perhaps some people who had already started to turn away and decided
to give the launch a miss had second thoughts.
They probably U-turned and although, grumbling and cursing at the weather
and traffic (not at me, of course) got back in line for the slow crawl to the Club.
As the launch went underway, guests began and continued to file in and
in no time most of the seats were taken.
The program went without a glitch and my MC was fabulous.....superb.
She had the audience spellbound eating out of the palm of her hand.
Everyone relaxed, sat back in their chairs, stretched their legs, some even
kicked off their shoes and had a really enjoyable time.....
I sat in the garden of memories, awashed with emotions ... huge bouquets artfully
arranged with an assortment of beautiful, exotic, imported and expensive flowers.
Hundreds of blooms combined emitting a tantalizing, playful, breezy, seductive and
suggestive mixture of natural perfume, cleansing the tension of this most
"unforgettable" afternoon.
I am blessed .....
(to be continued...)
Sequence of Events:

1 comment:
Dearest Aunty Lynn,
Congrats on your new book launch. Terribly sorry that we couldn't make it but you were on our mind all the time.
The launch looks great in the pictures. You were too. Will catch up with you when we get back...that will be tomorrow :)
God Bless always.
Love, Mike Jean & boys
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