For every action there is a reaction.
Freedom of choice is a privilege but also a responsibility. We are accountable for our action.
God knows I've done some silly things in my life. Some of them I'd rather not remember. They make me cringe while others were really embarrassing and totally out of character.
"To err is human" and there is no one who hasn't given in to some form of insanity at some point in his life.
Thankfully I survived all the silliness, bad choices and mistakes.
On hindsight the past is what makes the present setting the stage for the future. In that context I am thankful for the past with all the fears, tears, blunders and boos boos that accompanied me on my life journey.
It doesn't happen often but I recall a certain period when I was reeling in despair and destitute and it seemed like everyone I thought I could count on had abandoned me. It wasn't nice but that's human nature. Enlightenment made this a lot easier to stomach.
That experience toughened me up and I survived.
Every challenge takes its toll on the human body - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
When faced with a situation like that, don't give up. Hang in there and wait for the 'storm' to pass. It will eventually.
Modern Man suffer fatigue (and a whole lot of other physical ailments) not from manual work alone but more from stress, anxiety, bitterness, resentment and the unwillingness to forgive.
Sure enough there are people we cannot and will not forgive because of the injustice, hurt and harm they've caused us and yes, hating them is our prerogative, of course.
But there is no pleasure to us in allowing these people or the past to dominate and ruin our lives. God knows they've done enough damage already! Release them and in the process release ourselves.
Mental disorder is on the rise. Many are sick in the head by choice!
We can't get out of the rut, a hell we've created for ourselves.
Forgiveness is not a feeling nor an option.
It's a choice, albeit a tough choice if we care for our mental and emotional well being.
My religion teaches me to let go of the past together with all the people and elements that do not add value to my life. What good is cancer to the body.
Remove it and move on.
Yes, 'cancer', be gone!
There's no space for you in my changed life.
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