It was a most trying period of her life; to exercise restraint when her entire being recoiled in disgust and she was sick to the core.
This could not possibly be happening to her but it was.
Reality stared; point blank.
She had hoped for compassion and pleaded for understanding but none came.
She sought justice but the door was slammed in her face. They kept pushing.
Then came a time when she didn't want sympathy or even understanding anymore.
She wanted revenge but she knew it wouldn't be sweet! :-)
"Revenge belongs to me", saith the Lord.
To strike back under such dire circumstances is natural and easy even but to endure and walk away takes more boldness and courage. And walk away she did.
For sure it wasn't fear but love ... tough love ...that constrained her.
I always thought it was the nails that kept the Lord Jesus on the cross.
How wrong, how terribly wrong of me to think that mere nails could hold the Son of God captive. Has it not been written in the Book that just one word from the Prince of Peace, 72,000 celestial warriors (6 legions X12,000) would have appeared on the scene in the blink of an eye to protect the darling of heaven.
No power could have come against God's only son without the Father's permission.
It was Jesus own amazing and unwavering love and compassion for Mankind that caused Him to stay courageously on the cross until... "It is finished...'
Similarly she'd like to think that under whatever circumstances, without the Father's permission, no evil or power of any kind can hurt or harm her as well ...
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