My heart is full.
A review by:
Mr. Chan Bing Fai
Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist
Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.
Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.
It is also about fighting corporate battles.
The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.
Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.
Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.
Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.
Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!
The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.
It is priced at RM27.90.
Friday, November 11, 2022
You don't need to apologize for your brilliance! You were created to shine. Of what use is a lamp that is hidden under the bed!
Find joy and take delight in the little pleasures of life. Constantly remind ourselves to KISS ... Keep It Simple, Sweetie.
Be happy and do good! There're so much clutter in the closet of our minds and hearts that often shut out the really important and significant stuff.
It's rather alarming and difficult to 'brain' but sooner or later we will find out that we mean very little to the same people who mean a lot to us. That's reality. OUCH!!
It doesn't REALLY matter though...because we know we are enough!Wishing one and all a lovely weekend regardless.....
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Hello October
Ushering in the month of October with verve, vigor, velocity and positive vibes that promote and enhance personal growth and progress. Humans are constantly in pursuit of happiness in one form or the other. If you want to be happy, be happy! Dare to be different. Happiness, after all, is an attitude that can be cultivated, and over time will bear the desired fruit. Wishing one and all a blessed, productive and fruitful week ahead.
Old world charm
Once in awhile it's refreshing to slip into something unconventional. The cheongsam is certainly not our daily attire but it does make one look dainty, dressy and demure. All in good fun to play 'charade' recently for a party theme ...and was transported back in time to sophisticated Shanghai in the 30s...and what a great party it certainly was.
I suppose running a home is somewhat likened to running a company! We need organizational skills and expertise to enable us to recognize individual's strengths and weaknesses to place people in roles they can best serve in. Hone...harness all our corporate resources for common goal and interest. Treat each other with respect, dignity and uphold one another. Humble ourselves and in selfless giving, work at building a strong alliance with trust and confidence. Humility stems from God. Give credit when credit is due and chastise with tough love, sound teachings and corrections...definitely with hands on, ear to the ground and feelers in the air. Doubt auto pilot mode would do the trick! Yes, enjoy the intimacy of family which is possibly the most significant and precious of all relationships.
In the beginning God created family...and it was very good.One day at a time
"Learn to accept ingratitude!"
Close of the age
Do not leave for tomorrow what we can do today! To procrastinate is to postpone what could well be the prelude to our desired peace, prosperity, contentment and joy...
When lethargy, sloppiness and laziness creep in, that's the time to get! Stay on track, keep going and don't look back at the competition. There isn't any! We're racing with ourselves...EB
Eggs Benedict...I was first introduced to this superb breakfast/brunch delight in Australia and then New Zealand. I've been hooked since. There are many ways to serve EB in different lands. This is the Malaysian version. Perfect with long black ... yummy
For Such A Time As This
Queen Esther (in Old Testament time) made a bold declaration, "If I perish, I perish!" I imagine there was a quiver in her voice when she said that.
Still, she committed to give her all knowing that if she failed, she would lose her life.Many have since borrowed her famous and courageous one liner in the face of extreme dangers, difficulties, dire situations and tragedies
Queen Esther believed in giving her all in pursuit of a noble cause. She stuck with it and a tremendous miracle happened in her day.
When we are lukewarm; neither hot nor cold, we are regarded as useless! When we dare to go after what we believe to be pure, good and noble; with faith in our heart and all that's in us, only then can we expect changes and even miracles to happen.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
A wedding gift from an aunt more than four decades ago. Back then it must have taken Ah Yee weeks or even months to laboriously weave together each thread to create such perfection...truly a priceless treasure for me to admire and cherish. Ah Yee is old now well into her eighties but I will always remember her young, fast, feisty and full of fire. Thank you, Ah Yee

Memories are made of these.
And the weekend is here...enjoy
The joy of the Lord is my strength! God, alone, gives eternal peace, joy and prosperity while the riches of the world is temporary and fleeting like chasing after wind. Joshua 24:15 "...choose for yourself whom you will serve but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord."
Blessings come in many disguises. Often we missed them because they were not packaged the way we imagined they should be! Truly we have so much to be thankful for. Puji Tuhan...
Some things take forever to happen but when they do, they are nothing short of stunning!
Dreams don't usually die a natural death! They are killed by discouragement, mockery, fear, neglect and unbelief. How sad. It's better to say, "Oh my, I really did it!' and scaled the impossible heights we were created to conquer. That, or sigh with mournful regret, "if only ..." and sink to pathetic depths, to wallow in self pity.
We are what we think all day long! Be careful what we deposit into our sub-conscious mind. Our greatest power is the capacity to choose. Therefore focus on joy, peace, harmony, unity, love, prosperity, health, longevity ...and these same desires, in time, will manifest themselves in our lives. Sleep in peace, get up in joy! Wishing all a fabulous week ahead.
They say, "Iron sharpens iron!" I believe that is true of us. They also say, "Love covers a multitude of wrongs!" I agree ... it is love...tough love...that will eventually over rule all for good. Happy Women's Day, Tai'Cheh (big sister) and to all the amazing women whose path I have the joy, honour and privilege to cross.
We are more than enough...
Thosai (Indian pancake) drowning in curry with teh tarik (pull tea) at any time of the day and night. Malaysia is still food paradise ... macam macam makanan sedap ada. (all sorts of yummy delicious local favorites are available) Yummy in my tummy ...
Just like that...twenty five years had slipped by between the time the two pictures were taken! And what a ride those two and a half decades had been! Given a chance to live that time over again, I wouldn't do life differently! Things weren't always perfect but they could be much worse. I am exactly where I should be at the here and now. Anywhere else and I would be fish out of water. Giving thanks with a grateful heart

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
We have a tendency to throw out anything that is broken, ugly and less than perfect. We blame, complain, grumble and whine at certain unfavourable and imperfect hand dealt to us. So often we worry, fret and sweat on what will eventually lack 'lustre' in a year, six month, six days or even six hours! And then we begin to wonder what the fuss was all about! Rather than be anxious and panicky we could try to turn adversities into opportunities; brokenness into a beautiful work of art. At least try...
Some prayers are best left unanswered; some words are best left unspoken; some dreams are best left unfulfilled; some memories are best left unearthed.
The adrenaline rush has since settled. The initial excitement has been replaced with quiet confidence. What was deemed impossible has become a reality. Changing our mindset prepared the stage for the 'miracle.' And so it's true the first step is always the hardest!
And it doesn't help to surround oneself with negative and pessimistic people who are chronic dream killers and joy robbers! Ouch!!
Never mind. Dream on...bigger...better...bolder...
Ask and you shall be given; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will open. AmenTENACITY
Whatever 2022 holds for us, three things stand us in good stead; a positive attitude; a hopeful outlook and oh yes, bulldog tenacity that never loses faith nor says die. Bring it on!
Everyone is unique in his/her make up with distinct characteristics and mannerisms. It's not our place to change people especially by force. We'll be hitting our heads against the wall if we do that. At best we can encourage, persuade or motivate people to try to do better. Reward them when they make progress. Threats and punishment don't really help. These can even lead to eventual serious retaliation and rebellion which would be rather killing! Instead of wanting to change others, we ought to change ourselves which is a lot easier. After all our aim is to keep peace and remain joyful ....
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; like a medicine is a merry heart.
A broken spirit dries the bones but a merry heart is a joy from above."The best is yet to come although it doesn't look that way right now but right now isn't here to stay! Sure we've seen better days and certainly we'll see them again. Think it...speak it...will it...pray toward it; declare all that's good, positive and optimistic into our lives and the lives of those who are associated with us in some ways. Pray that this pandemic will be uprooted and eradicated forever in accelerated time! Believe and breathe life into 'dry bones' and behold the dawning of a new day; new beginning; hope for a great future. The sun will surely make its appearance and the Greater Son, the hidden hand that holds the universe in place, continues to work behind the scene arranging things to our favor. Yes and Amen.