Not a pretty picture!
A review by:
Mr. Chan Bing Fai
Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist
Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.
Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.
It is also about fighting corporate battles.
The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.
Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.
Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.
Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.
Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!
The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.
It is priced at RM27.90.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Once upon a time, in our youth, we were fearless! We dared to attempt the impossible.
Impetuous, obstinate and determined we were unstoppable. We bulldozed our way through life, oblivious of consequences. Danger was not in our vocabulary. We relished in being and were happy. Life was simple. And then we grew up!
Inevitably, we had our share of heartbreaks, headaches, hard knocks and a fair amount of humiliations! We matured, mellowed, made peace and persevered with changes. We've become more suspicious, reserved and guarded; shed much of our naivete and embraced a new daring. Age has a way to tame the raging spirit, soothe the hurting heart and bury the unwelcome past. On reflection...what if all we've been through is a setup... Hardships-endurance-refinement = Character Building

Blessings to one and all...
WOW moments are scarce...fleeting...short-lived! But when they happen, the adrenaline rush stirs the senses; jolts one out of misery; brings heightened joy often indescribable.
Words, regardless of their eloquence, are inadequate to express the shocking pleasure of the moment. It makes us want to dance ...tap our feet...break out in song! We live in difficult times with endless challenges. People are crumbling under the weight of seemingly insurmountable burdens. Be the catalyst ... create WOW moments...for others and also for self.
We need these for our sanity. Tomorrow might not come for some, at least we have today...