A review by:

Mr. Chan Bing Fai

Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist

Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.

Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.

It is also about fighting corporate battles.

The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.

Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.

Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.

Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.

Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!

The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.

It is priced at RM27.90.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Life is short, so they say, but life can also be sensational! 
Aspire to do at least one good deed a day to a person you care about a lot. One, just one ... act of kindness daily.  
In a year that would be three hundred and sixty five days of consistent demonstration of your affection and attention. See if this will not make a difference in both your lives ...

Thursday, January 28, 2016


It takes some curiosity and intense courage to start a relationship; a whole lot more of patience, endurance and tolerance to sustain one.  No man is an island and it's not natural that he should live in isolation.  
Everybody needs somebody sometime!  
Nothing beats the joy, fulfillment, tenderness and sweetness of a totally supportive and satisfying relationship.  
If you have one shot at happiness, risk it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


With opportunity comes the first step to success!  
If you cannot find the opportunity, create one. Look for a problem and find the solution! Never mind if people think you're a weirdo. So long as you know you're not, stick with your dreams and don't get side tracked!
That which benefits the masses and help relieve people of their problems, is the opportunity; the opening to make the cut and make it big. Of course it's not going to be easy and quick. Nothing worthwhile ever is.
We know and say it often but don't really buy into it: success is eighty percent perspiration and twenty percent inspiration!
Go for it.

Friday, January 22, 2016


I love spending time with my mum. She's funny, candid, witty and gregarious. 
My friends think she's a darling and she is! At eighty, she puts me to shame; her memory is clearer, her moves swifter, her senses sharper and her passion stronger. 
She sings and dances. 
I find it a huge challenge to keep up with mum. Her zest for life makes her young, vibrant and engaged. 

Mum will always be mum. If I can be half of all that she is when I'm eighty, I would consider myself very fortunate.  
God bless you, mum xox

Friday, January 15, 2016


A typical story ... one with a sad ending:

They had a tidy business relationship.  
He played; she worked.  Contented, she was, while he enjoyed his toys!  
She slogged; he had her covered.  
He was boss; she allowed him!
It was an arrangement that worked and none complained.

The company grew and prospered.  Everyone benefited and life was good until one day, tragedy struck.
He died ... and soon after that she was taken ill.

The company was thrown into confusion and immediately a group of well-meaning professionals barged in.  Out with the old; in with the new!

Without sensitivity and understanding of the business coupled with little regard for people, those pros, although armed with degrees and good intentions, did more damage than good. 
Further confusion ensued!

With incorrect diagnosis of the company's ailment, they administered the wrong treatment and caused undue suffering.  Good advice was ignored and no one really paid any attention to its deplorable state.
The situation worsened and not surprising, the company eventually slipped into coma and then breathed its last, amid the chaos.  
It was a good company that took years to build.  
Gone in the blink of an eye!  

Interesting, this world of business.

A combination of wisdom, discernment, good will, good sense and effective management; along with training, experience and exposure are mandatory to build and sustain a lucrative business.  
It's highly unlikely that one person would possess all these skills and that being the case, team work is paramount.
Invest in excellent people, and when you find someone who is trustworthy, faithful, smart and hardworking, never let him/her go.  Keep him/her at all costs.

Good luck on your business endeavours.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Everyone is struggling with some issues in his or her life. It may be a worrying concern about growing old and lonely; failing health and financial lack. Perhaps it's trouble at work or dealing with chronic relationship problems. Missing a departed loved one can be extremely painful and very difficult to handle.
Maybe a child is going or has gone astray. Whatever we are overly anxious about, keeps us awake at night and makes us moody all day.

"Stop worrying and start living" is good advice! 

What's the use of fretting when that won't change anything? We can only try our best, do all the numbers and pray we won't make too many irreversible mistakes in the process! Don't expect to be perfect. 
Fail we will and succeed we can, if only we realize that one cannot go without the other. 

Things will brighten up when we recognize that formula...

Friday, January 8, 2016


Today I lost Peace and had I not put a lid on my wayward thoughts, I would have lost Joy as well. It's easy to let our minds drift and dwell on stuff that are detrimental to our well being.
Like a silent and sullen thief who comes to rob, steal and destroy, our thoughts can do much worse. It was a good thing that Joy was not lost, merely misplaced. I was fortunate to recover it and with that, Peace was restored.

Peace and Joy .. my personal choice.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


"Time and tide wait for no man."
We won't always have forever. All that we hold dear are fleeting - our youth, stamina, health and even friends and family. Money helps but it is only good for what it can buy. Unfortunately certain commodities are not open for trading!
A time will come when all will be taken from us and we'll be left wondering... wondering what the tut-tut have we done with these precious gifts entrusted to us. Would we be left wanting?
Do not let each moment pass without first savoring it, relishing it and really living it.
Feel every ray of sunlight; the pelting rain; caressing snow fall; father's gentle handclasp, mother's heartbeat, a friend's uninhibited laughter; baby's cry; lover's touch; cuisine that tantalize our palate; places that stir our imagination; art that inspires.
Every experience that awakens, every person that arouses all our senses; cherish it, cherish him and her.
Receive with gratitude all that life has offered and give back as generously and passionately as we have received.
And let time and tide run its course...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

A cruel action or a harsh word hurled at you today may be the reason for your tears and frustration. It's distressing and devastating when the world around you is falling apart and you're right in the middle of the mess!
In this forlorn state, it's perfectly okay to whine a little, sigh a little, cry a little and even die a little but don't let the drama drag on. Instead put on the full armour of love and thrive.

After all, tomorrow is a new day and along with it new opportunities to start afresh...