A review by:

Mr. Chan Bing Fai

Former school teacher, Headmaster and educational technologist

Lynn Wong's latest book is SMILE though your heart is ACHING. This is a much awaited book, a worthy sequel to her first book "As Time Goes By" published five years ago. Both her books are generally about life and living. They are not autobiographies.

Her first book is centred more on childhood memories and growing up pains based more on events, observations and her responses and reactions to them, with the innocence of a child. Her latest book, however, is about the adult world with its ups and downs.

It is also about fighting corporate battles.

The words she has chosen carry her thoughts succinctly. They are warm and friendly without being pretentious. The topics included in both her books cover a broad spectrum of subjects and events. Some are more hilarious and many are focused on a more serious note.

Her approach to life is spontaneous, governed by prudence and common sense. It appears lighthearted and easy. Being a keen observer, even trifles, will not escape her scrutiny. Her response to these is largely based on common sense and knowledge; laced with wisdom.

Her thoughts flow through smoothly from one idea to another and the transition is gentle, methodical, tidy and logical. Lynn's philosophy appears simple and yet very profound and thoughtful; gracious and tinged with a lot of human skills and understanding.

Her books are very personal and subjective; unique, highly perceptive, intimate and reflective. I have enjoyed reading both her books and excitedly look forward to her next one which I hope will not take too long to come to fruition.

Her artist -illustrator- is equally talented in bringing out the many encounters and experiences of the author through her drawings; depicting expressions, moods and emotions subtly and with precision. Congratulations to both of you for complementing each other perfectly!

The typography and layout is attractive and designed for easy reading. The book is available in major bookstores.

It is priced at RM27.90.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Had I known then, that it would be the last time you would walk out of your office at No. 6 and never return again, I would have found an excuse to delay and make you turn back.
I would not have let you walked alone lugging the bulging shoulder sling bag that had contained all your belongings.  

There were a much used USGA Rules book thicker than the Bible, sheets of paper with your scribbles, notes in preparation for your golf seminars, files of old MGA and KGNS minutes and correspondences.  There were also a tattered copy of Daily Bread, different colored marker pens, syringes for your insulin jabs, different gadgets to take your sugar reading and your blood pressure. 

There were strips of glucose and sweets which you kept handy in case lunch was delayed and you went low, several  nasal sprays, eye drops, and various types of medicines carefully arranged in marked pill boxes.  Inside the worn out bag were also newspapers, snacks for your grandchildren and a packet of Fishermen's Friend-- the blue colored flavor which we both preferred. 

That evening when you left No. 6, the skies were grey and gloomy.  it rained but you didn't want an umbrella.  Too troublesome you had said.
Usually you would ask for one of the staff to help carry your bag down to the car but not that time.  And I didn't think to insist on helping you but instead accompanied you midway down the three flight of stairs. No words were spoken but I sensed your reluctance to leave.

You were king in your office domain and there was very little your staff and I wouldn't do for you.  You were always strong and authoritative but that evening you looked more frail and pale than usual; was was the commanding air about you.

I stood at the landing and watched you slowly descend the remaining way; every step an effort; your shoulders slumped, your steps faltered.  I sensed your discomfort but didn't know what to say and could only managed a muffled 'Take care.’

Upon reaching the exit, you turned slowly and found me still at the landing. You pulled back your shoulders, smiled weakly, coughed, cleared your throat uncomfortably and croaked softly, 'Bye, see you tomorrow' and then let yourself out the door.

I went back upstairs and into your office to pick up some documents but was compelled to look out the window onto the street and was in time to catch a final glimpse of you getting into your car as the rain cascaded like a shimmering silky curtain.  For a heartbreaking moment, I felt our goodbye was final and the heavens wept.  I waved and strained against the window pane as you slowly drove off and gradually disappeared from view.

And sadly that was the last time I saw you at No. six ...

Thursday, December 17, 2015


A blast from the past:

On the launch of AS TIME GOES BY ... - a book by Lynn Wong

5th October 2010.

A dedication by:      Mr. Christopher Saklatvala 
                              (writer, painter and poet)

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Domineering, nasty and mean people have grave difficulty in responding to unusual kindness, gentleness, calmness, tenderness and the like.  They are awkward and uncomfortable around those who are oozing unusual patience, joy, compassion, generosity, care and love.

If you wish to see the disappearance of a particularly unwelcome person in your life, it is highly recommended that you overdose him with tender loving care and unusual attention!  Results are almost immediate.
However if it doesn't work in the first instance, increase the dosage lavishly.  The concoction is proven effective, safe, has no shelf life, and no known side effects!  You can use it with confidence.

Have fun.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Being proactive will help us achieve more. It will improve our relationships, our health, our careers, our moods, our thought pattern and just about every area of our lives. Pro-activity is definitely more positive, progressive, productive and less primitive than being reactive!

When I achieve my goals and aspirations I can then confidently help others achieve theirs.  Pro-activity says I am responsible (response-able; have the ability and freedom to choose) for my life.
In contrast, being reactive, I allow myself to be controlled and others decide for me. Humans are ruled largely by emotions and we get edgy, angry and slighted easily. When that happens our reactions to such unwelcome offenses can be pugnacious and ugly. This can be minimized with being proactive.

Choose well.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


At times we are so engrossed, so determined, so focused, so skillful, so busy climbing the ladder of success that we overlook to check whether the ladder is on the right wall!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Act 1, Scene 1


He : I've fallen for you.
She: What took you so long?
He: I waited for you to grow up.
She: Has it really been forty years since our first hello?
He: You bet! And for forty years, you've confused me, coerced me, confounded me, contradicted me and just about turned my life upside down, inside out.
She: Complaining?
He: Used to but then I thought, what would my life be without you in it!?%^#*
She: winks wickedly.
He: I've watched you grow from an impetuous adorable young girl to an admirable formidable grand dame. And woman, were you a load!?@#%^
She: leans forward and purrs....
He: But I've fallen hard for you, kid. You have my dying devotion. I would go on bent knees but my pants are too tight!
She: It's okay. YOU'RE okay...

Director yells: CUT!!!  GOOD TAKE!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  You add spice, diversity, music, culture and color into my life. 
And in return I hope for another forty years to affectionately and leisurely 'torment' you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


You never know when a good word from you can change a man's destiny. 

How often you've wished that someone had spoken out in your favor especially when you were in dire need. And how disappointing and devastating it was to have met with blatant disregard, blank look and deafening silence.

Yea, do try as much as we can, to put in a kind word and give a deserving individual the breakthrough that has so long been denied him. 
Your deed will not go unnoticed.

Friday, November 6, 2015


Best selling author, Rick Warren says, "Life is not about you!"

Sorry, you have been misjudged, misunderstood and mistaken for the villain! Guilty, but then the judge and jury were biased. And so, the verdict doesn't really count. Some day there'll be a retrial, maybe not in your life time. But a real trial there will most definitely be, not a fiasco. 

Meanwhile the punishment meted out at this mock assembly was harsh and unbearable at the beginning. You took it in silence. You were outnumbered, remember?

But with time much of the associated stigma eased and even the urge to retaliate ceased. In its place, peace, pardon and near perfect balance reign. Finally, a closure. 
Sad times, unfair treatment, poor decisions and flighty friends are all part of life and shouldn't be taken too seriously! 
One year; three years; five years; ten years down the road after an unpleasant experience, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about. It won't matter, not really.

After all, life is not about you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Sometimes we need to renew our vows to ourselves!
Vows to love God with all our heart, mind and soul
Vows to care for our mental, physical and spiritual well-being
Vows to take care of family, loved ones, friends and associates appropriately the best way we can
Vows to serve country and community in areas where we are best suited
Vows to treat every human being with kindness, respect, compassion and dignity
Vows to live honorably and die valiantly.
Do you take these vows seriously and uphold them as yardsticks to live out your days in joy, purpose and significance?
I do.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


There's a saying: "You can't fix stupid!" And so you'll always have people who will do dumb and dumber things out of spite, malice, jealousy and of course, money. The kind of people who would foolishly, deliberately, even irrationally cut their nose to spite their face and think that's pretty! 
Not very clever indeed but then the last thing in a deranged person's mind is reason, logic and simple good sense. 
Pity ... such a pity.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Of what use are plans and good intentions without thoughtful effective execution?  
Well, I feel, at best they remain mere plans, however glorious, and good intentions, however noble!
We know there's a difference between 'urgent' and 'important' yet, we get them mixed up at times. Can't blame us though as there's only a fine line that separates the two.
And so we get entangled with 'urgent' compromising on 'important.'
Maybe it's just me but when I give priority to important stuff, I find there's less instance of fire fighting and certainly minimal need for damage control. My time is well spent, my efforts are fruitful and I'm rarely out of breath with busyness.
The idea of minimum effort for maximum gain is most appealing Best of all the attractive results and rewards suggest strongly that I must be doing something right!

Monday, October 26, 2015


When she was a child, she thought, reasoned and spoke as a child. She soon grew and matured, from slow to skillful; simple to sensitive; sweet to sensuous; shallow to sophisticated. From superficial to significant!

How profound. And yet isn't this nature's way for the order of life. Metamorphosis - the unassuming process for a new creation. 

Begone the past; behold the present and believe the best for the future...

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Words of affirmation are important and influential. They can change a person's life perspective for the better. 
Words serve to rebuild, reprimand, restore and refresh. When a person's confidence and self esteem is low, an encouraging word does wonder to lift him out of the mire of self pity and self condemnation even. A forceful exhortation spoken over someone who is drifting mindlessly can likely steer him back on track to purposeful pursuit. 

Aspire to speak kindly and graciously even when circumstances dictate otherwise.
There's tremendous power in your word...

Thursday, October 22, 2015


How comforting a kind word to a weary mind
How quickly a warm hug thaws feelings that have grown cold and cynical
How welcoming a smile to the dejected
How noble and wonderful, to restore calm in times of chaos; to release hope when all seem lost; to give love when there is loneliness. 
To rejuvenate the despairing.
How soothing a gentle touch, like medicinal balm, to a wounded heart.
How contagious a child's giggle...

We can be the initiators, the movers and the shakers. We can make a difference and not give a hoot about what others say or think or feel about us, not even when we are scorned for our simple childlike behavior. We care and we share.
Our primary concern is to be joyful and along the way, bring joy and happiness to others too.
That's what we try to do!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


When we perform deeds out of duty or obligation, we feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment at having met an expectation. That is highly commendable. Having fulfilled that particular task and taken off from our list of things to do, we move on to tackle the next item; not sparing a thought for what has gone before.
In contrast when we purposely go out of our way to be accommodating, gracious and attentive whether with family, friends or colleagues and even undeserving individuals, something astounding happens with the choice we make from dozens of options available each day. When we choose to act from the heart, caring no longer becomes a burden or even a responsibility. The sheer joy of bringing peace, pleasure and imparting good will become all consuming; the giving of unconditional love fueled by unbridled passion, for the well being of another.  You know you have touched someone's life in a remarkable and lasting manner.  Strangely, both of you will never be the same again!

The heart sings; the spirit soars and the soul dances; that's the reward of intimate relationships. 
Oh, to regard another individual as more important and precious than oneself is divine...

Saturday, October 3, 2015


"A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in a most delightful way!" 

From young, every time we're sick, that's how mum makes us drink up the bitter concoction of herbs and other yucky stuff that would make us well and able to play outdoors again. 
We didn't complain too much because we knew with the last bitter drop, there'll be THAT delightful spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.

Mum's method works in other ways too!
On occasions when we have to be honest, frank and brutally blunt to tell someone things he would rather not hear, wouldn't it be easier on him to have a spoonful of compassion to lessen the gall that our words and actions might evoke.
By the same token if we are the recipient of unpleasantness and mistreatment, wouldn't a show of support and understanding, even if it's just a teeny weeny bit, be a delight. 
I think so.
A spoonful of sugar does wonders...

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


It's like this ... we're not going to win every popularity contest; not every plan will lead to instant success. 
Sometimes we'll make lousy decision and pay painfully for it! At other times people will challenge us when we're right, more interestingly, BECAUSE we're right! 

Friends and associates will forsake us because we no longer serve their purpose. 
Disaster hits with little warning.

If the 'tsunami' doesn't kill us, we'll live to be stronger, smarter, more sensitive and better equipped to deal with the 'avalanches' in life.

Some morning when we awake and find our dreams shattered, our purpose scattered and our pride in tatters, don't be TOO surprised with the inevitable. 

The sooner we realize the world doesn't revolve around us, the faster we'll recover! 

Take heart...everything will be okay eventually.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


I know I'm living on borrowed time. We all are. Just a matter of who reaches the finishing line first! 
But as long as I still have control and use of my faculties; the ability to read, write, create; sing and dance, love and laugh, you can be certain I won't go quietly!

Life is short, so they say. 

But life can also be sensational. If we refuse to stay stagnant and stale but choose to celebrate rather than merely tolerate that which has been handed to us, we can rest assuredly give our friends something sweet and significant to remember us by. 

And for that we deserve more than a pat on the back...

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Doing the right thing is a big thing! 
That belief maybe a tad old-fashioned but nevertheless has stood the test of time and augurs well for all seasons.

Doesn't matter if it's out of duty, remorse, obligation or forced compliance; whether halfheartedly or even begrudging, it's decent to be fair, honest, just and kind. 

Unfortunately, it appears the world has been overtaken by the selfish cry of 'YOU LIKE or I LIKE' and some of us are reeling from this wide spread culture shock! Stunned!

Never mind about walking the extra mile, giving from the heart and emptying our resources for the interest and betterment of others. That kind of generosity, sacrifice and selfless commitment are not our natural inclination.
If we can only bring ourselves to do the right thing - which is so difficult at times - that alone should suffice to make the little corner of our world, a more prosperous, progressive, peaceful and pleasing habitat.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Freedom of Choice - FOC - is our prerogative to love unconditionally, act wisely, think positively, do the right thing; build relationship bridges, bury the past and dream for the future.
A closed mind, a caged spirit, a couldn't-care-less attitude and a cold heart renders an individual hopelessly enslaved ...

Saturday, September 12, 2015


For now I can only see in part.  Some day when the whole picture is complete, then I shall know in full.
All questions that beg for answers and all problems that seek solutions will dissipate.  Nagging doubts and hazy thoughts will eventually be crystal clear when at last the final piece of the puzzle is put perfectly together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I know people who would not spend lavishly on themselves but when it comes to helping others, they do so with an immensely generous spirit and big heart; neither counting the cost nor blowing the trumpet. 

No act of kindness, however trivial, is ever in vain or really forgotten. It just takes time and thoughtful reflection for the good of it to sink in. 

"Find a need and meet it." 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015



You're my world, you're every breath I take,
You're my world you're every move I make,
Other eyes see the stars up in the skies,
But for me they shine within your eyes,
As the trees reach for the sun above,
So my arms reach out to you for love,
With your hand resting in mine,
I feel a power so divine,
You're my world, you are my night and day,
You're my world you're every prayer I pray,
If our love ceases to be,
Then it's the end of my world for me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


At this time, I'm feeling unusually happy despite the fact that there's very little cause to celebrate! Even so I'm in a relaxed state of mind, full of peace and contentment for no apparent reason! 
Just ... joyful.

Monday, August 24, 2015


"Less is more" applies to friendships/relationships as well.
In choosing trusted friends, partners and associates, it is wise to settle for quality rather than quantity.

Quality represents durability, reliability, integrity and accountability; standards of excellence that shouldn't be compromised.  Unfortunately in today's world the opposites ring true.  And so, the challenge to find and be THAT person who can be counted on, continues.

Quality control - check and balance - begins with us.  We ought to first measure and live up to our own expectations and interpretation of quality before we impose the same to others.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Shall we dance?

We've just been introduced
I do not know you well
But when the music started
Something drew me to your side.
The magic of movies...they don't make them like they used to.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


After all this time, they are still at it; punishing her.  
And what was her crime?  Standing her ground and stating the facts! But then facts strike hard, and not surprisingly, self absorbed and egoistical snobs refuse reality to admit their mistakes.  
Those stooges who think they know it all; the shallow, naive and bungling bozos who go around in circles, making fools of themselves. 
Fighting their own shadows with no real adversaries!!  Silly.

So, what's the moral of the story?

No morals! only morons who go around playing gods and throwing their weight around!  
The funny thing is, no one's paying any attention but are instead laughing behind their backs!


Friday, August 14, 2015


Indecision keeps us awake at night.
Nothing is more stressful than having two minds about an issue.
Little is achieved when we are fickle, fearful and flighty. 

You know you've procrastinated for too long. Just couldn't get yourself to act and so rested on your laurels.  Unfortunately, the matter didn't go away even when you thought you had swept it under the carpet.  And it will stay for as long as you do nothing.

Determine what needs to be done.  Do the right thing first and if you can manage that, then start to do things right!
Even if you have to take stock and cut loss; eat humble pie; face the music and make difficult changes...do it.

Closure is only possible with decision one way or the other.

And hopefully with that comes sound sleep.

Friday, August 7, 2015


A bank account depletes and eventually registers zero when there are only withdrawals and no deposits.

A relationship loses lustre and value when you stop investing into it. And surely a neglected entity is as good as dead if you give it up entirely. 
When people love - trust, admire, believe and support - each other they tend to look out for one another, cover each other's back, think the best and make excuses for shortcomings that inevitably surface. 
There are bound to be disagreements and disappointments but taken in a positive light and constructive manner, these serve to enhance, build and strengthen not only the alliance as a whole but the individual more so. 

What privilege to be in such strong, steady and stable relationships.

Life is so much more interesting and engaging when there is someone you can confide in, share anecdotes, crack jokes, poke, argue and banter for ages on just about any topic. Yes, even a shoulder to cry on.  You don't have to worry about offending him or hurting his sensitivities because basically both of you are committed and emotionally entwined to understand the workings of a healthy partnership.  
You've learned to read signs and signals to act and react appropriately. There is no necessity to read between the lines or probe in an annoying manner. You just know.

You miss him all the time and look expectantly, with the hope to find him, in the sea of people you come across everyday, even though it's just wishful thinking.   He is not near but still you would delight to catch a glimpse of that familiar face. You've grown accustomed to the mischievous glint in the eye; the cheeky smile; the gentle but firm voice; the reassuring touch.  These are your daily manna.

A pact has been sealed with sworn allegiance to each other's growth, development, advancement and well being.  Neither one is pushy but allows the other the freedom to explore, experiment and enjoy the offerings and wonders of this most amazing and enriching relationship you share.

How sweet....

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I won't ever forget you, I promise ...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Here's looking at you, kid!

You're okay. Even with your failings, flaws, fickleness and imperfections. These make you real! 

When you go too slow, you'll be left behind and when you speed ahead, others can't follow. Strike a balance. Stay on course and remember to smile! 


Friday, July 24, 2015


Thankfully for some, the worst is over. Unfortunately, for others, the nightmare is only just beginning. 
We, who have been through trying and turbulent times remember what it was like groping in the dark, in despair and disillusioned. 
Many of those tormenting experiences have taught us priceless and precious lessons in life that are worthwhile to share with fellow sufferers. 
"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
It may not seem like much but your tiny act of generosity, kindness, tolerance and compassion could very well be all that the sorrowful individual needs right now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


It's heartbreaking to let a friendship/relationship die, but, difficult as that may be, it's far better than to watch it turn ugly.
When someone -- anyone -- shuts the door in your face, despite your efforts to stay amicable, it's recommended that you give him up, walk away and don't look back. 
Both of you will be happier that way.

Friday, June 5, 2015


"Aha" moments take me by surprise! 
But then surprises aren't really surprising, not when they are being sought after --- for who is not constantly searching for something out of the ordinary!?

If I weren't looking for a certain "Aha" experience how would I know when it appears!? 


Monday, June 1, 2015


Oh, the heady days; remembering how it was, being pursued...persuaded...pampered...and put on a pedestal. 
The euphoria of loving and being loved.

There's never a dull moment with love in the air and everywhere ...

Friday, May 29, 2015


How not to believe in God!? --- when everything, even the ordinary and mundane, speaks of His presence. 
A mother's love ... a baby's cry ... a lover's touch ... a friend's embrace ... a stranger's help ... an answered prayer are sweet reminders that He cares. 

A magnificent sunrise ... the aroma of freshly cut grass ... dancing dandelions... the order of the universe are evidence that He is in control. 

My verdict is clear. I cannot help but believe ...