We are attracted to friends for various reasons. With casual acquaintance, we like to share common interests and values. Talk about sports, the weather, food, holiday plans and blockbusters!
With others---and the field narrows sharply---we express our emotions and vulnerability. We talk of marriages, struggles, children, addictions and other temptations.
I can count intimate friends on one hand. (Congrats if you have more!)
A couple are prone to eccentricity and I relish their companionship. They encourage me to be unconventional and celebrate my gawkiness.
Buddies who would reward me for my honesty rather than punish me for it.
A comrade I can count on and if that fails, someone able to handle it when I express hurt and betrayal.
We don't meet very often, my best buddies and I but when we do we skip the chitchat and go right to the heart of what concerns us most.