A lot of times you feel bored doing the same old thing, day-in and day-out.
How you wish for some excitement - landing a BIG business deal or making a
new discovery. How nice if you could play hero; succeed where others fail.
Getting money back from a difficult debtor that everyone had given up hope on....
solving a big problem.... wowing a deserving customer ....saving the day.
Wouldn't that be dandy? Playing Superman.
Once upon a time you thought you WERE Superman!
It wasn't so long ago that you had the confidence, the courage, the desire -
the fire - and you did it.
Taking on the sort of challenges and difficulties that others told you couldn't be
overcomed. You proved them wrong.
Today you hesitate. You take the easy way out and make excuses instead.
You back out and retreat into the safety of your shell.
I know it's tough. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
Hey, you owe it to yourself.
You don't want to be just average or mediocre, do you?
It's not much fun being lukewarm - neither hot nor cold.
Focus on something BIG. Put your whole heart, mind and soul in what you do.
Expect results. Don't do things merely because of forced compliance.
1. Improve on your sales techniques - broaden your knowledge, sharpen your skills.
2. Be brave and proactive. Take the initiative.
3. Build friendships. If you have kept in touch with the people you have established contact one, three or five years ago, today, you would have a
strong following of prospects who might well be potential customers and great friends!
4. Don't give in to lethargy. Don't be a worrier. Be tough physically, mentally and spiritually. Don't be a softie. You've got to be made of sterner stuff if you hope to make it in business.
5. Plan your work and work your plan.
6. Laziness is a killer but you don't recognize it at first because it comes in many disguises.
There was a time you were bursting with ideas.
You couldn't stop talking about them, remember?
Today you are content with just following the pack. Why?
Having your bubbles burst all too often? I know. I've been there as well.
Afraid people might laugh at your silliness? Well, if you don't share those ideas,
you will never know if they will work. And even if they don't, what's wrong
with having a good laugh over them!
Laughter is good. There is no shame in trying. No one ever laughs at a baby
fumbling when he takes his first wobbly step.
If one idea doesn't work, try another, and another and another and another until
you find one that WILL work. There has to be a way.
How can you do things better? How can you make your sales call more interesting?
What about your existing clients? Are you doing enough for them?
Try improving on that quotation. How can you enlarge your circle of influence? etc. etc
Look! There is SO MUCH you can do - find a way!